6 Tips to Get More Views on Facebook Reels

6 Tips to Get More Views on Facebook Reels

We know that Facebook Reels are exploding on Facebook the same way Reels did on Instagram. 

Especially with the decline of Facebook advertising, many business owners are looking for a lucrative, organic alternative.

And Facebook Reels is giving them just that.

new in facebook ads

But if you’re struggling to see the same reach, views, and engagement from them that everybody else seems to be getting…

…then you’re going to want to read till the end of this post because we’re sharing 6 tips to get more views on Facebook Reels. 

So we’re going to get into our top tips on how to get more views on Facebook Reels…

…but first, we want to say if you’re completely new to Facebook Reels or have barely messed around with them…

…you need to go read this post on using Facebook Reels for your business first and then come back to this one. 

That is our complete guide to Facebook Reels with a step-by-step tutorial on how to make them.

So let’s get started with tips on how to get more views on Facebook Reels.

6 Tips On How To Get More Views On Facebook Reels
Tip #1: Use original audio.
We know we’ve all heard the tip to hop on trending audios so we’re starting off with a bang by turning THAT advice completely on its head.

But it’s true, you want to use original audio because Facebook and Instagram both are rewarding original audio right now with a lot more organic reach. 

social media updates

We think the reason is that they want to encourage more original content.

If you hop on a trending sound too late, you end up just being another video contributing to the noise at that point.

By posting original audio you not only get that extra organic boost, but you also have the potential for your audio to go viral!

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What if your audio became trending audio? And people started making Facebook Reels using your audio? 

You would be the original creator at the top of the page when people tap on the audio sound to see where it came from.

And this is awesome brand exposure for your business. 

Tip #2: Do not waste people’s time.
The next tip on how to get more views on Facebook Reels is to simply think about your viewer’s time.

Don’t beat around the bush with your content; give your audience value within the first millisecond of the video. 

People spend so much time just sitting and scrolling through their phones, scrolling, scrolling.

If you don’t catch their attention immediately, they’re scrolling past your video. 

So no matter if your Reel is educational, entertaining, or a combination known as edutainment, don’t waste time. 

Get right to the point or else you’ll lose their attention.

Tip #3: Write really long captions. 
The trick here is to create a video that points viewers to the caption. 

While they’re sitting there reading your long caption, your video is just looping, acquiring views in the background. 

Now you might be thinking, “People don’t read long captions anymore. You just talked about how short their attention spans are!” 

This is true which is why you need to make the caption worth their while. 

Whatever you say in the video needs to really hook them and point them towards a caption…

…that’s so juicy their curiosity won’t LET them scroll on without reading it. 

We shared a great example of this in our latest Instagram algorithm updates post so we’ll quickly recap it again here.

Let’s say you’re a personal trainer trying to obtain clients. 

You could make a Reel that goes something like:

get more views on facebook reels

“This client went from this (a before picture) to THIS (an after picture) after making 1 small change in their routine. Read the caption to find out what it was.”

This will make people want to read your caption to figure out what the secret to losing weight is. 

So if you want to get more views on Facebook Reels, you’ll want to make your caption a little lengthy.

This is so that while they’re reading, your video is playing and looping in the background. 

Take whatever the wow factor is in your business, whatever that thing is that would pique your customer’s curiosity…

…and figure out how to make a Reel out of it that would keep viewers on your video long enough to read the caption.

Tip #4: Post frequently. 
If you want to continuously see growth and acquire views on Facebook Reels, you need to post consistently. 

Posting 3 times in one week and then posting 0 times for the next 2 weeks is not consistent.

If you need to, consider creating a handful of Reels in advance when you have time.

And then rolling them out on a regular basis in order to give yourself some cushion before creating the next batch. 

Or if even that seems too daunting or time-consuming, you can hire a company like LYFE Marketing to handle them for you! 

Here’s the link for our complete short video management services if that’s something you’re interested in.

But either way, don’t ghost Facebook or your followers. Be present with Reels every day. 

Tip #5: Remove any watermarks from the video if there are any. 
The most common watermark we see is TikTok.

Video Player


Like if you’re repurposing your TikToks for Facebook Reels, you may be uploading Facebook Reels that have the TikTok watermark on them. 

The problem with that is Facebook will intentionally kill the reach on videos that it sees has its competitor’s watermark.

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So try to download your TikTok videos before you publish them so as to save them without the watermark.

If you need help with creating your FB Reels, here’s a tutorial on tutorial on how to make Facebook Reels in Canva.

Tip #6: Post something your audience cares about. 
This last tip on how to get more views on Facebook Reels is the one we see business owners struggle with the most.

In tip #2, we talked about getting to the value or to the point of the video quickly.

But it’s also important to make sure your audience even cares about the point you’re sharing in the first place. 

Once you brainstorm an idea for the video, ask yourself why your audience would care to hear the message in it. 

Does it solve one of their pain points? Does it give them a route to accomplish one of their goals? Is it going to make them laugh?

Don’t put out content just to put out content. Make sure your Facebook Reels are providing a value of some sort to your audience. 

So tell us, we’re curious, how often are you posting Facebook Reels? And what kind of Reels are they, entertaining? Educational? Both? 

Otherwise, that’s all we have for you today guys! Give us a call today if you need help with your Facebook marketing!